
MODULE 2: The Body And The Doshas


Welcome to the second module of this adventure focused on the Doshas, the Constitution (Prakriti) and the imbalance, Vikriti.

The next 8 classes will take you into the universe of the Doshas, exploring their characteristics, their print on the physical body and their psychology; you will better understand the Constitution types: Vata, Pitta, Kapha and the mixed types.

Then we will dive into some notions of the Ayurvedic Anatomy discussing the organs, the 7 tissues of the body (the Dhatus), Agni, or the power of transformation and finally, Ama, the toxins and how to remove them.

There are 13 videos, 4 evaluation forms (to help you identify your constitution, Prakriti, your imbalance, Vikriti and the level of toxins in your body) there are 11 pdf files with the transcripts of each class and more documents with food recommendations for each body types, the full description of the anti Ama (detox) diet and its recipes, a list with the bad food mixes as well as the description of the pranayama exercises.

Please take the time to watch all the videos, in your own pace, read the transcripts, answer the questions and do the exercises as suggested. This will facilitate the integration of the theory studied and, mostly, will enable your transformation and the access to a more balanced experience.

What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn about the Doshas , their characteristics, their print on the physical body and their psychology.
  • You will learn about the Constitution types: Vata, Pitta, Kapha and the mixed types.
  • You will be introduced to some notions of the Ayurvedic Anatomy: the organs, the 7 tissues of the body (the Dhatus), Agni (the digestive fire), Ama (the toxins) and how to detox your body.
  • You will do your own constitution evaluation, and also the evaluation of the current imbalance (Vikriti) and of the presence of toxins (Ama) in your body.

Topics for this course

18 Lessons8h

Module 2 overview

Class 1 – The Three Doshas and The Constitution (Part 1)25:17
Class 1 – The Three Doshas and The Constitution (Part 2)00:19:55
Class 1 – The Three Doshas and The Constitution (Part 3)00:20:37
Prakriti Evaluation Form
Vikriti Evaluation Form
Class 2 – Vata Dosha00:26:39
Class 3 – Pitta Dosha00:25:37
Class 4 – Kapha Dosha00:21:10
Class 5 – The Mixed Types00:11:49
Prakriti Evaluation form (2)
Class 6 – The Organs and The Tissues (Part 1)00:16:52
Class 6 – The Organs and The Tissues (Part 2)00:35:53
Class 7 – Agni00:21:38
Class 7 – Pranamaya12:09
Class 8 – Ama (Part 1)00:24:07
Class 8 – Ama (Part 2)00:15:51
Ama Evaluation Test
Class 8 – The Anti-Ama Recipes00:16:44
Module 2 – Quiz 1
Module 2 – Quiz 2

Student Feedback


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This class is really excellent! I found it fascinating how everything we learned in Module 1 resonates in Module 2, in a very obvious way. I have learned so much about each dosha through the very detailed descriptions you give. Thank you so much for going so much into detail as it is sometimes very subtle to evaluate a type. Very good idea to propose two Prakriti evaluation forms!
This module is particularly interesting to be able to see the systems that are in place in the universe as well as in our body. I was thrilled to learn even more about the koshas through the Agni lesson you give and actually, I just loved the Agni lesson.
As it becomes more practical towards the end of the Module (Ama and Anti-Ama recipes), it is also much easier to follow. Many many thanks for teaching these fundamentals in a very clear way!

Ce module est vraiment excellent. C’est fascinant comme les enseignements du Module 1 trouvent leur écho dans le module 2, avec une telle évidence ! J’ai beaucoup appris à propos de chaque dosha grâce à vos descriptions très détaillées. Merci d’être allée autant dans les détails car c’est parfois assez subtil d’évaluer une constitution. Super idée de proposer deux évaluation du Prakriti !
Ce module est particulièrement intéressant pour nous amener à voir les systèmes en place dans l’univers comme dans le corps humain. J’étais épatée d’apprendre encore davantage sur les koshas grâce à la leçon sur Agni, leçon que j’ai tout simplement adorée.
La fin du module consacré à Ama et aux recettes anti-Ama amène des aspects pratiques et il est donc beaucoup plus facile de suivre. Mille mercis pour la clarté de ces enseignements fondamentaux !



Material Includes

  • 13 videos materials
  • 11 PDF documents
  • 4 evaluation forms


  • PDF reader




Hatha Yoga







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Music from Bensound