
MODULE 4: Mind, Psychology and Reduction Methods


Welcome to the 4th module in which we will explore the mind and the psychology of Ayurveda, as well as ways to balance the doshas. There will be a lot of information, so please take the time to go through each material and explore each subject before moving into the next one.

For now this is the last module of this course, congratulations for coming this far! Stay tuned though, as I plan to add more modules in the future with advanced techniques of dosha reduction, yoga, advanced yoga, marma therapy, cooking recipes and why not beauty treatments!

Enjoy this module and do not hesitate to share with me your experience!

What Will I Learn?

  • The classes of this module will help you identify the beliefs that are specific to each dosha and how you can change them. We will explore the mind levels, Chitta, the unconscious, Manas, the emotional mind, Buddhi or the intellect and the Ego, or Ahamkara. We will also touch elements of Ayurvedic psychology that will give you insights into how your psychology is influenced by the doshas and how to deal with people around you according to their constitution, for better relationships.
  • In terms of the ways to balance your dosha, we will discuss the daily routine, the dhynacharia and some elements of shamana (reduction) for each of the doshas. In this way, apart from the dietary changes and the life style changes, the meditations proposed in this module will enable you to start being very practical in doing some beneficial changes in your life.

Topics for this course

13 Lessons

Module 4 overview

Class 1 – Discover Your Mind (Part 1: Chitta)31:25
Class 1 – Discover Your Mind (Part 2: Manas)42:18
Class 1 – Discover Your Mind (Part 3: Buddhi)25:29
Class 1 – The NOW State (Part 1)8:32
Class 1 – The NOW State (Part 2)9:05
Class 2 – The Doshas And The Beliefs46:14
Class 3 – Ayurveda Psychology24:08
Class 4 – Dinacharya (The Daily Routine Part 1)22:20
Class 4 – Dinacharya (The Daily Routine Part 2)20:31
Class 5 – Dosha reduction methods9:28
Class 5 – Shamana for Vata10:17
Class 5 – Shamana for Pitta6:46
Class 5 – Shamana for Kapha12:24
Module 4 – Quiz

Student Feedback


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I understand why, now that I have completed this last module, why it comes after the three others. It is quite fascinating how everything we learned in the previous classes is here gathering, just like a puzzle. All layers of comprehension of both the universe and the human being are clearly corresponding, enlightening each others. I am grateful to have had the chance to get introduced to this ancient knowledge in detail. This module really teaches us how our mind works and how we can master it, to evolve, and increase our capacity to see the truth.

Je comprends pourquoi, maintenant que j’ai terminé ce quatrième cours, pourquoi il est proposé à la fin. C’est assez fascinant d’observer que tout ce que l’on a appris dans les cours précédents se regroupent ici comme les pièces d’un puzzle pour ne former qu’un. Tous les niveaux de compréhension de l’univers et de l’humain se répondent ici. Je suis reconnaissante d’avoir eu la chance de découvrir plus en détail ces savoirs anciens. Ce module nous apprend réellement comment notre psychologie fonctionne et comment la maîtriser, afin d’évoluer, et augmenter notre capacité à voir la vérité.


Material Includes

  • 13 video materials
  • 11 audio materials
  • 11 PDF documents
  • 1 Quiz


  • PDF Reader




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